From Julie - Customer service, Posted on Mar 9, 2020 3:12:15 PM

The holidays are ending and your child is worried about going back to school? It might be difficult to say goodbye to the holidays, but don’t worry, you can gently prepare your children to resume classes, including English classes. How can you help your child remember his English lessons from the previous year? Should he be given extra classes before the start of the school year?
Even if your child is eager to see his school friends again, it is normal for him to be a little apprehensive about going back to class. Whether he is fluent in English or has some difficulties, taking English lessons each week can bring stress to your child. To help him regain his self-confidence, it is recommended to have some materials and lessons reviewed as the school year approaches.
"To review English classes even before the start of school, what a torture!" This is surely what your child will think. Still, it is beneficial to remember what you learned the year before, in order to refresh your knowledge and start the school year on a good foundation. If your child needs to review the program from the previous year at the beginning of this year, it will be too late. But reviewing the main lessons will allow him to gain confidence in his knowledge, and remember that he doesn’t need to worry. It is better to resume gently than to recover intensively.
In order for your child to have a good start to the school year, suggest that he or she gently starts the English course revisions before the beginning of the school year. Start smoothly by doing short revisions and then lengthening them as the resumption of classes approaches.
It is also advisable to mix revisions with games. You can choose the type of game depending on your child's age and level in English. At the primary level, you will rather play games with stickers, stories to complete, etc. In high school, it is better to focus on topics that interest the child: his passion for a sport, for travel, for some celebrities, etc. You can also turn to language apps available on mobile devices.
Finally, try to set up a nice routine for the child. This is a good way to get back to work before the start of school, while gently integrating revisions to the week. It can be a story in English that he reads before bedtime, or a few pages of English exercises to complete before the evening film.
If your child is reluctant to review English with you before the start of the new year, you could take English classes online, by Skype or by phone. Sometimes it's easier to use someone outside your family to take on the role of authority. In addition, the teacher can adapt his courses to your child's interests and level, while specifically correcting his mistakes. Rather than being drowned in the mass of a class of students, your child will be listened to and can go at his own pace.
Taking private lessons also helps foster conversation in English. With Skype lessons, your child will work primarily on speaking through English conversations with their teacher. He will be more comfortable with the idea of going back to class and having to speak in front of his class.
The stress of back to school is not inevitable! By preparing a little early and offering the right learning tools to your children, they will happily return in English class.