So you’ve applied for permanent residence in Canada, and now you’ve arrived. Congratulations! Now, though, you have one big decision to make. To thrive in Canada, is it essential for you to speak English?
First, be aware that Canada is officially a bilingual country, English and French. However, English is the dominant language, and is spoken in all of the territories and provinces of the country. French is rarely spoken, except in the province of Québec and a few other regions, where it is English that is rarer. In Québec, the primary language for both life and work is French, but improving your command of English can give you several important advantages.
Here are 5 good reasons to learn English if you want to live and work in Canada.
Be a part of Anglophone culture
As we pointed out at the outset, English has a prominent place in Canadian life nationwide. Yes, you can live and work in French in Québec, but why stop there?
By learning English, you will open several doors. You will have access to all of Canadian culture. You can travel from one coast to the other, with complete freedom and confidence. You will be able to navigate, make yourself understood, and interact with Canadians all across this vast country.
Not to mention your new southern neighbors, the Americans! If you live and work in Canada, you will inevitably be influenced by the pervasive American culture. The combined estimated population of Canada and United States is 350 million. Of this number, only 10 million people speak French as their mother tongue or language of business. About 70 percent of these live in Québec.
With numbers like these, it’s no wonder that anglophone culture has such an influence on everyday life, even in the Francophone regions.
Open a window to the world
The strong presence of the English language is a reality in Canada and North America, but also around the world. In learning English, you are opening a window for yourself to a wider world.
Speaking English allows you to access a huge amount of resources and information on all topics. Some studies suggest that about 80% of the content on the Internet is in English. That’s huge! All by itself, the Internet is an almost infinite universal library, giving you countless opportunities for enriching your life. Not only can you learn more about things that interest you personally, but you can pursue any number of new professional goals and acquire any number of skills.
Familiarity with English will allow you to read Shakespeare in its original form, hear Star Wars with its original voices, and listen along to the native commentators for your favorite football team.
Speak the language of business
English is globally recognized as the language of business. More than 1.5 billion people use it regularly to make deals of all shapes and sizes, in every corner of the planet.
Canada is no exception. English is the 'official' language of many current industry leaders. It is also the choice of many hot new companies and developing industries, such as mobile and other electronics technology, as well as all types of science.
By learning business English, you will increase your chances of finding a job in an exciting, dynamic and expanding field. Who knows? You may even be able to do business internationally.
Bilingualism can set you apart
Being bilingual (in English and French) is a valuable commodity in Canada, and can be a great advantage to those planning to live and work here. Only 18% of the Canadian population master both languages; a little over 6 million people. Most of these are Quebecers whose first language is French, and who have decided to improve their English.
Becoming a French-English bilingual gives you better employment and career prospects. There is great demand for bilingual workers in both the public and private sectors, so job seekers with this skill can approach any job offer from a position of strength. You will be better able to negotiate a competitive starting salary and benefits, and will be more likely to be considered for promotions.
Quench your thirst for adventure and new experiences
You chose to leave your country to live and work in Canada, so you’ve already shown that you have courage and a good dose of curiosity. As you go through life, you overcome obstacles and look for new challenges as a matter of course. When you look at it that way, learning English is the natural next step along your journey through life.
Learning a new language is a good idea for many reasons, but one that’s often overlooked is that it stimulates your mind. Experts say that can improve your memory, reasoning, concentration and intellectual skills in general. A healthier mind makes for a healthier body, which you can use on your ski trip in Vancouver.
In learning English, you can kill two birds with one stone: quench your thirst for new adventures, and then have the energy to go out and tackle all of the new experiences that you’ve now realized are out there waiting for you.
What are you still doing here? The world is waiting! Take some online English courses with Global Lingua.