From Beth - German and English teacher, Posted on Dec 18, 2018 9:55:00 AM

The German language has a reputation for being difficult to learn. But it would be unfortunate to let this prejudice stop you, while German is a rich and widely spoken language in Europe! Here are 4 reasons to learn German through our online courses.
When learning a new language, you might decide to go with the most useful language. So, why should you learn German instead of Spanish? Why learn German when English is seen like the language of business and finance? If you need more convincing, here are 4 reasons why you should learn German and be proud about it...
It is often said that English is the language to learn to boost one's career or to offer oneself opportunities for work abroad. However, German is also a language of choice for people wishing to work in the European Union. With 110 million German speakers worldwide, including 90 million just in Europe, German is a key language in the field of economics and research.
Germany is the world's fourth-largest economy, ahead of the United Kingdom and France. If you want to make your mark among a pile of brilliant resumes, knowledge of the German language can be a real asset! Today, it is not enough to be bilingual in English: to be multilingual and to know German will open more doors for you.
And since German is widely spoken in Europe, why not take advantage of your knowledge of German to travel? From German architecture to huge castles in Austria, to the beautiful landscapes of German-speaking Switzerland: you'll always have something to visit.
The Germans themselves are great travelers, and it is likely that you come across them during a trip around the world.
A difficult grammar, three different genres to remember (feminine, masculine and neutral), verbs with separable particles... German is not the easiest language to learn. But this is not the most complicated! Take this as a challenge or a way to use your logical mind.
Indeed, German is very much based on a combination of words. For example, "die Nacht" means "the night" and "der Tisch" means "the table". Well, it’s simple: "der Nachttisch" translates to "the night table"! In German, it is not uncommon to be able to enlarge your list of vocabulary just by being imaginative.
In addition to being the language of classical music (in addition to Italian), German is intimately linked to literature and philosophy. Reading works in the original language, or listening to the opera of “La Flûte Enchantée” in German, it's priceless!
Even when it comes to the Internet, the Germans have a head start. Indeed, according to, 6% of website content is written in German! It is the third most used language, behind English with 53.8% of content and Russian with 6.1%. In comparison, only 4% of the content is written in French ... The German language is more widespread than we think.
Want to discover the German language or consolidate your knowledge of German? Feel free to inquire about our online German courses, available by phone or Skype.